Sunday, April 7, 2024

Out of Our Element, A Message of Hope: An Angel Message

 I have compassion for this tree and admire her spirit not to give up.  No longer rooted on dry land, the past years of hurricanes and heavy rainstorms changed the landscape.  The lake swelled stretching her deep, watery fingers inland.      

Some days I feel like that water-logged tree, out of my element, far beyond the old familiar comfort zone.  But this tree has been my teacher.  For the last three years, every spring, she has managed to don a new coat of fresh green leaves, offering hope and endurance in times of extreme testing and trials.   

This spring was different, she appeared dormant.  Cold lake water up to her waist, and not a single green twig on her bare branches.  I thought the waterlogged tree had given it her all, and finally let go.  But I was wrong.

This morning there she was, a hopeful sight for sore eyes.  Leafy green boughs opened wide to greet the sun, reflecting a new beginning. A renewal. 

I welcomed the hardy tree's lesson on life.  "Do your best and let God do the rest."  And, most of all, don't judge by appearances.  The best is yet to be.

Happy Spring!

Love and peace,

Rae Karen